[Fukuoka] Imoto 井本

Rating: ❤❤❤❤ (4/5)

After Osaka, our next stop was Fukuoka! We had a fantastic lunch at Imoto 井本 which serves Kyo Ryori 京料理; the food fell somewhere in between kappo and kaiseki as it is more formal but doesn't strictly follow the order of kaiseki. The restaurant opened in 2015 and is helmed by the talented young chef Imoto-San who had trained at Kawakami in Kyoto for 6 years. All the flavors were on point and price was very reasonable (around ¥10,000 to ¥15,000 per person) - highly recommended if you are in Fukuoka.

Hokkaido Uni with Uragoshi Shirako - the shirako had been pressed through a meshed strainer for a finer texture

Kyoto Seiko-gani (female snow crab)

Ise Ebi (Japanese spiny lobster) - the deliciously sweet broth was made from white miso from Kyoto

Hirame served with katsuo vinegar and karasumi on the side

Charcoal Grilled Tachiuo with Grated Daikon

Saba Roll Wrapped with Pickled Kabu (turnip)

Ankimo with Ginko Nuts

Sea Cucumber in Vinegar Jelly

Fried Gobo and Kyoto Daikon with Kikuna

Yamagata Filet with Mukago

Zuwai-gani Rice (snow crab)

Pear and Strawberries

Imoto 井本
4 Chome-15-29 Yakuin Chuo-ku Fukuoka-shi Fukuoka-ken
Tel: +81-92-753-7125

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